RTT® is an extremely dynamic, fast and effective therapy. It is designed to uncover the root cause of your issue/s, free you from any self-defeating beliefs/patterns and imprint new positive and powerful messages into your subconscious to produce permanent life changing results.
Active Creative Transformation is a therapeutic approach specifically designed and developed for the performer. Through your creative mind you will transform your mental models, resolve blockages and find the driving force to make the most of your opportunities and follow your heart.
Consultation services can be short-term, longer-term, or ongoing, and can be helpful for working on a specific problem or for creating a concrete plan to move forward on a more complex issue. It can help you manage circumstances and adversities of your idiosyncratic everyday life.
Coaching will give you clarity on what is that drives you: what are your desires? Identify the barriers and limiting believes that have been holding you back. The challenges you are facing. Set your goals and devise a custom plan of action to help you achieve specific outcomes in your life.
whole-self psychology
The core concept of whole-self psychology is that individuals possess multiple aspects or "selves" that interact and influence each other. Whole-self psychology aims to facilitate awareness, understanding, and integration of these different aspects to promote psychological healing and growth.